Answer: Yes or No
- If I get up too early for several days in a row, then
I need to make up for the lost sleep.
- I seldom feel sleepy late in the
- Sometimes I can't sleep because
I'm too worried.
- I'm always sure that I will get
up on time in the morning.
- It is easy for me to change the
time I go to sleep or get up (to either earlier or later
- Sometimes I wake up too early
in the morning and can't fall back asleep again.
- Usually I wake up quickly and
easily in the morning.
- Sometimes it is easy for me to
get some work done during the evening.
- If I lie down in the daytime,
I can quickly fall asleep.
- Sometimes, before falling into
a sound sleep, I wake up a couple of times.
- I like to get up very early in
the morning.
- Sometimes it is difficult for
me to get things done in the evening.
- When I'm sleepy coffee or strong
tea do not prevent me from falling asleep quickly.
- Some mornings it takes a long
time to wake me up.
- Frequently, I'm in a bad mood,
if I don't get enough sleep.
- If I'm awakened from sleeping,
it is easy for me to fall back to sleep again.
- Frequently, I don't want to wake
up in the morning.
- Sometimes it is hard for me to
work in the late evening.
- Very rarely do I take a nap after
lunch, even if I have the opportunity.
- I usually sleep "like a log" at
- If I don't get enough sleep one
night, I can very easily catch up on my sleep the next night.
- I'm usually in a better mood in
the evening than during the daytime.
- I can usually fall asleep after
something has upset me.
- I'm easily awakened in the morning
by an alarm clock.
- It is difficult for me when I
have to change my normal sleeping schedule.
- If I'm awakened during the middle
of the night, I can easily get back to sleep.
- I rarely wake up with the unpleasant
thought that it is time to get up.
- If the work is interesting, I
am happy to work at night and rest during the day.
- Sometimes sleeping in the daytime
gives me a headache.
- If I go to bed at my usual time,
I fall asleep very quickly.
- If I have to wake up early during
the week, I wake up early on the weekends as well.
- Often in the evening I feel very
- If I worry about something during
the evening, I can't sleep well at night.
- It is difficult for me to wake
up by myself at a certain designated time.
- Missing sleep doesn't usually
put me in a bad mood.
- If I wake up too early in the
morning, it is difficult for me to fall back asleep.
- I don't feel well in the morning,
even after a long night's sleep.
- It is always hard for me to work
late at night.
- If I don't get enough sleep at
night I can always make up for it with a nap after lunch.
- At the beginning of the night
I'm easily awakened by any noise.
- It is rather easy for me to shift
the time I sleep or wake.
- Usually just before the time I
go to sleep my performance is yet considerably high.
- If it is possible, I take a nap
with pleasure.
- I'm in a bad mood when I have
started to alter my normal sleeping schedule.
- It is easier for me to finish
my work early in the morning than late at night.
- As for me, a nap is a bad substitute
of a night sleep.
- I'm O'key during all day following
by only a half night sleep.
- Frequently, my alertness level
in the evening is higher as compared with the level in the
- During daytime I can fall asleep
almost as quickly as during nightime.
- If my normal sleeping schedule
is altered, I use to nod during the following day.
- In the evening I usually think
out worse than in the morning.
- If I sleep enough every night,
I can't fall into a sound sleep during the day.
Reference: First described in:
Putilov A.A. Toward the enlarged version of sleep-wake
pattern assessment questionnaire. 1993 European Meet. Psychometric
Soc. Barcelona, Spain, July 26th-28th, 1993, p.130.
Text of the 52-item version of the
questionnaire was published in:
Putilov, A.A. Association of the circadian phase with
two morningness-eveningness scales of an enlarged version
of the sleep-wake pattern assessment questionnaire. Arbeitswissenschaft
in der betrieblichen Praxis, Bund 17, 2000, pp. 317-322.