Curriculum Vitae
Family name:
First name:
Juri M.
Date of birth:
25 September 1954
Place of birth:
settl. Spass, Kostroma region, Russian Soviet Federal Socialistic
Marital status:
Married, four children
Russian Federation
Home address:
ul. Geroev Truda, 22, apt. 6, Novosibirsk 630055, Russia
Tel. 7. 3832. 391840
Laboratory of Science Development Analysis, Institute of History,
Philology and Philosophy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences
Work address:
Acad. Nikolaev, 8, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia Tel./Fax:
7. 3832. 324558 E-mail: Web site:
1971-1976 Tomsk State University, chair of zoology.
Zoologist (Ethology).
1973-1976 Tomsk State University, chair of sociology.
Sociologist (Industrial sociology).
Employment history: 1976-1977
senior laboratory assistant at the Laboratory of Attractants
and Repellents, Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, Siberian
Branch of the Agricultural Academy of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1977-1978 senior assistant sociologist-at
the Science Organizational Department, Institute of Clinical
and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Academy
of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1978-1978 expedition campus worker
of the Kandalaksha State Reservation, Murmansk region.
1978-1979 unemployed.
1979-1983 senior laboratory assistant
at the Laboratory of Population Ecology and Genetics, Biological
Institute, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the
USSR, Novosibirsk.
1983-1985 senior engineer and,
since 1984, research worker at the Laboratory of Mathematical
Methods in Humanities, Institute of History, Philology and
Philosophy, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of
the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1985-1988 researcher at the Laboratory
of Mathematical Methods in Humanities.
1989-1997 senior researcher at
the Laboratory of Regional and National Problems, Institute
of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (SB RAS).
1998-1999 leading researcher, Department
of Philosophical Sociological Researches, Institute of Philosophy
and Law, SB RAS, Novosibirsk.
1999-2000 leading researcher, Department
of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Law, SB RAS, Novosibirsk.
2000-2002 - head of the Department
of Philosophical Sociological Researches, Institute of Philosophy
and Law, SB RAS, Novosibirsk.
2002- present time – deputy director
of the Laboratory of Sciences Development Analysis, SB RAS,
Professional career: 1985
Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.), Biological Institute,
Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1994 Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
(Philosophy of Sciences), Institute of Philosophy and Law,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.
Teaching experience: 1990 -
pres. lecturer, docent, professor of sociology at the
Chair of Philosophy, and Chair of Social Philosophy, Novosibirsk
State University.
1993-1997 professor, head of the
Chair of Psychology, Novosibirsk Humanitarian University.
1998-1999 professor of psychology
at the Novosibirsk Classical University.
Other positions Member
of Council Committee of the Russian Foundation of Humanities
(since 1997);
Member of Expert Committee of the Russian Foundation of
Basic Sciences (since 1998);
Member of
Expert Committee of the UNDP, Russian Dept. (2001-2002);
Member of
Expert Committee of the Open Society Institute, Novosibirsk
Member of
the Editorial Council of the journal “Sociology of Science”
(“Naukovedenie”, Moscow, since 1999);
Member of
the Editorial Council of the journal “Philosophy of Sciences”
(“Filosofia nauki”, Novosibirsk, since 1995);
Member of International Arctic Social Sciences
Association (IASSA, since 2000);
Member of European Association of Personality
Psychology (EAPP, since 1996).
Key knowledge:
social psychology, general sociology, regional and rural sociology,
sociology and philosophy of science, philosophy of the social
biology, sociobiology, human ethology, personality.
Language knowledge: English
(fair); Germany (fair); Esperanto (good).
11 monographs and brochures, 164 articles.
recent bibliography:
and brochures:
1. Plusnin Ju. M. Small Towns
in Russia in 1999. – M.: Moscow Public Scientific Foundation,
2001. - 147 p.
2. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S.
N., Plusnin Ju. M. Social characteristics of the scientific
community of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok in 1999. – Novosibirsk,
1999. – 98 p.
3. Plusnin Ju. M. Social Institutional
Disturbance (Stress) in Novosibirsk. 1999. – Novosibirsk,
1999. – 32 p.
4. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S.
N., Plusnin Ju. M. The Innovative Business in Novosibirsk
Akademgorodok. – Novosibirsk, 1998. – 52 p.
5. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S.
N., Plusnin Ju. M. Social data of the scientific community
in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. – Novosibirsk, 1997. – 168 p.
6. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S.
N., Plusnin Ju. M. Russian academic science in the crises
society (Novosibirsk Akademgorodok social psychological monitoring).
-- Novosibirsk, 1997. – 176 p.
7. Plusnin Ju. M., Poshevnev G.
S. Social psychology of unemployed. – Novosibirsk, 1997.
– 84 p.
8. Plusnin Ju. M., Bruce D. «Work
hunting». The guide on work search. – Novosibirsk, 1997. –
53 p.
9. Plusnin Ju. M. Solovetsky
Islands: the little people on the historical out-on-the-way
place. - Novosibirsk, 1996. — 61 p.
10. Gordienko A.A., Plusnin Ju. M. Scientific
community of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok during the crisis
and social transformation in Russia. -- Novosibirsk, 1995.
– 60 p.
11. Plusnin Ju. M. Person on the cultural cross-road:
models of individual socialization in the intercultural context.
– Novosibirsk, 1995. – 26 p.
12. Plusnin Ju. M., Pavlov V.I. General
psychology. An authorial course. - Novosibirsk Humanitarian
External University, 1993. - 123 p.
13. Plusnin Ju. M. Human spatial behavior.
Methods of proxemics. - Novosibirsk, 1990. - 45 p.
14. Plusnin Ju. M. Problem of bio-social evolution.
– Novosibirsk, 1990. – 240 p.
15. Plusnin Ju. M. A new Russia – or the same
old Russia? An alternative worldview in the making // Russia’s
fate through Russian eyes. Voices of the new generation. –
Westview press: Boulder, Colorado, 2001. – P. 9 – 31.
16. Plusnin Ju. M. Psychology of surviving on
the Russian North: new patterns of the household's economic
behavior during crisis // The life potential of the ethnical
cultural development in modern Siberia. - Barnaul, 1999.
17. Plusnin Ju. M. The All-Russian sociological
investigation in 1999: social economical, psychological, and
ideological adaptation of the ordinary people in the conditions
of the fundamental social crisis // Humanities in Siberia,
Novosibirsk, 2000. - ¹ 1.
18. Plusnin Ju. M. The life outside the state
// Economics and Industry Organizing (ECO), Novosibirsk, 1999.
- ¹ 12.
19. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M.,
Ablajey A.M. Akademgorodok – ein sibirischer Duamant verliert
an Glanz. Eine Umfrage unter Wissenschattlern in Novosibirsk
// Osteuropa. Zeitschrift fur Gegenwartsragen des Ostens.
Sonderdruck. – Dentscne Verlags – Anstalt Stuttgart - 1999.
20. Plusnin Ju. M. Too more simplicity: life
models of village people on the Russian North // Ethnic social
processes in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1999. - ¹ 3.
21. Plusnin Ju. M. How do values changing in
the Russian society? // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk,
1999. - ¹ 1.
22. Plusnin Ju. M. Odd men in the academic
science // Naukovedenie (Sociology of Sciences). - Moscow,
1999. ¹ - 1.
23. Plusnin Ju. M. The latent social disturbance
evaluation method // The Extremal Situations: Konflicts and
Social Concordance. - Moscow, 1999.
14. Plusnin Ju. M. «The survival
psychology»: world outlook and social dispositions of the
Russian North people // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk,
1997. - ¹ 1.
15. Plusnin Ju. M. Psychology
of natural life: rural «survival economics» paradoxes // Economics
and Industry Organizing (ECO). – Novosibirsk, 1997. - ¹ 7.
16. Plusnin Ju. M. Creating
problems in theory of the social biology // Biophilosophy.
- Moscow, 1997. – Vol. 2.
17. Plusnin Ju. M. Recent
survival models of the Russian North village people // Russian
Foundation of Humanities Herald. – Moscow, 1997. - ¹ 3.
18. Plusnin Ju. M. Social
crisis and science. The experience of psychological monitoring
of the scientific community of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok
// Russian Foundation of Humanities Herald. – Moscow, 1996.
- ¹ 1.
19. Plusnin Ju. M. Unemployed
woman in villages and towns: the psychological portrait //
Economics and Industry Organizing (ECO). – Novosibirsk, 1996.
- ¹ 2.
20. Plusnin Ju. M. Person’s
values structure: the verification of the «social swing» theory
// Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1996. - ¹ 1.
21. Plusnin Ju. M. Specific
human behaviour in the Russian Arctic // Management, technology
and human resources policy in the Arctic (the North). — Kluwer
Acad.Publ. (The Netherlands), 1996.
22. Plusnin Ju. M., Gordienko
A.A., Poshevnev G.S. Unemployed behavioral structure
// Sociological Studies. - Moscow, 1996. - ¹ 11.
23. Plusnin Ju. M. Theoretical
methodological status of modern social biology // Philosophy
of Science. – Novosibirsk, 1996. - ¹ 1 (2).
24. Plusnin Ju. M., Unemployed
behavioral patterns // Man. Work. Employment, - Novosibirsk,
1996. - ¹ 1.
25. Plusnin Ju. M., Ecological
Knowledge: conjuncture and archaic // Social Political Journal.
– Moscow, 1996. - ¹ 4.
26. Butovskaya M.L., Plusnin Ju.
M. Principles of the organization of spatial behavior
of human and non-human primates (comparative analysis) //
Modern Anthropology and Genetics. Problems of Human Races.
– Moscow, 1996.
27. Plusnin Ju. M. Two poles
of the person value development // Humanities in Siberia.
– Novosibirsk, 1995. - ¹ 2.
28. Plusnin Ju. M. The problem
of marginal socialization // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk,
1994. - ¹ 1.
29. Plusnin Ju. M., Bogatyreva
O.A., Bichenkova O.E. The spatial behavior and social
status of child in the kindergarten // Problems of Psychology,
Moscow, 1993. - ¹ 2.
30. Plusnin Ju. M. Which of
friends do we prefer? A sociobiology of friendship // Nature.
- Moscow, 1993. - ¹ 7.
31. Plusnin Ju. M., Putilov A.
A. Psychological correlates of sleep-wake pattern // Psychometric
methodology. - Stuttgart, N.-Y., 1993.